Hot Weather Travel Capsule Checklist for Island/Resort by Kristine Fernandez (RRP $29)

You’re 30 seconds away from having nothing to wear to ALWAYS having something to wear for your next hot weather travel - island and resort scape! 


This checklist is for you if: 

You’re travelling to a hot weather destination where you’ll be staying on an island and/or resort setting, where you will be near a beach, swimming pools or other bodies of water often.

Think of places like:
🏝️ Bali Beachscapes
🏝️ Santorini, Greece
🏝️ Palawan, Philippines
🏝️ Bora Bora
🏝️ Koh Samui, Thailand
🏝️ Whitsunday Islands
🏝️ Maldives
🏝️ Bahamas
🏝️ Caribbean

Sound like your next holiday destination?

The selection of pieces in this checklist makes sure that you always have something to wear and always feel stylish ✨

This How Weather Travel Capsule Checklist for Island/Resort Scape includes pieces for 1-2 week travel, all the way to 8-9 week travel, fit for activities like:
Hotel buffet breakfast (where you want to be effortlessly stylish for when you exit your room/enter public spaces)
Site-seeing around the island (which involves walking on sand, cement, stone and other specialised surfaces eg. volcanic ashes)
✅ Boat Tours
✅ Casual Lunches and Dinners
✅ Dressy Lunches and Dinners
Staying in your suite where you will not enter public areas (where you want to be ultra-comfortable, but stylish enough to take photos or videos in your comfy outfit)
Hot weather activities (e.g. 26-40 degrees Celsius or 79-104 degrees Fahrenheit)
Unexpected cool weather changes (e.g. temperature drops to 19 degrees Celsius or 66 degrees Fahrenheit)

This offer also includes BONUSES to complete your hot weather travel experience:
BONUS 1 -💻 Tech Checklist - Never forget a charger, adaptor, cord…all the other tech things again!

BONUS 2 -🧻 Toiletries Checklist - The list to keep your hygiene and skin routine complete while you’re traveling.

BONUS 3 -💄 Beauty Checklist - Includes the capsule collection of make-up items that’ll take you from day to night!

BONUS 4 -🧳 Carry-On Checklist - items to have in your handbag for ultimate comfort for your plane ride!

BONUS 5 - 📹 A mini video showcasing what your clothing items may look like so that you have a visual representation of each item on the clothing checklist!

You’ll also receive:
➡️ Written instructions to help you navigate the products in the bundle! 🥳

Note: This offer is non-refundable.

$9.00 USD

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